Hello all of you!!!
Wow, I can’t believe it is mid-semester already. Time definitely flies by quick. I hope all of you are reaching your academic goals. I know this may be the time where you feel a little lazy, but this is where you should put your all into finishing up the semester strong. The great part of mid-semester is you should have a good understanding of your placement. If you’re not doing as well as you would like to, there is always time for improvement.
As promised, let me give all of you a YASHIN UPDATE!!!
A few months ago, Michael Houlahan (my TRiO advisor) and I had a long talk about what Universities I should be applying to, for the fall of 2012. His advice was to pick 5 schools, 4 of which are my “Safe Schools” or colleges I felt sure I would be accepted into. Then, have 1 “Dream School”, meaning a college that may be a little competitive to get into. The expression “Dream School” really stuck with me. My Dream school is Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York. It has a wonderful Communications program at the New House School of Public Communications. I do have to admit I’m extremely nervous about applying, because I cannot handle rejection at all.
When I was about 13 years old I had a crush on a boy who lived right around the corner from me. All the girls liked him, but I knew he would be mine. Lol … I had to figure out a way to be noticed. So I tried to do what any clueless 13 yr. old girl would do. I followed him everywhere he went, spoke to his mother when I got the opportunity, laughed at all of his jokes, climbed trees, ate the same candy, I would even go home and change clothes to match what he was wearing. Yes I had it Bad! My older sister told my mother about all of the foolish things I was doing, and of course I got in trouble.
My mother yelled at me saying, “Yashin, you never, ever Pursue a boy or a man, it is not lady like!” “Pursue? What does that mean?” I asked. Her reply was to look it up in the dictionary. And it was through that experience I learned what it meant to Pursue. Years later it is time to put all of that into effect. I must Pursue my dream school no matter what it takes. I refuse to live in regret wondering what if. In comparison with all of the foolish antics I pulled to get my secret crush to notice me, I have to take the necessary steps toward being accepted into my “Dream School”. So far I’ve called the admissions office and spoken with some of the representatives. I went to the NACAC College Fair (National College Fair) to briefly speak to a representative from Syracuse. Now, I have an interview with them coming soon! I will be putting together a portfolio which entails a cover letter, resume, and transcripts; along with all of the work I’ve been doing which pertains to communications. I have to be noticed!!! What are you doing to Pursue your “Dream School?”
I can’t wait to let all of you know how it goes!
GO and GET IT,