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Friday, October 28, 2011

Yashin's TRiO Transfer Blog Update!

Hello all of you!!! 

Wow, I can’t believe it is mid-semester already. Time definitely flies by quick. I hope all of you are reaching your academic goals. I know this may be the time where you feel a little lazy, but this is where you should put your all into finishing up the semester strong. The great part of mid-semester is you should have a good understanding of your placement. If you’re not doing as well as you would like to, there is always time for improvement.

As promised, let me give all of you a YASHIN UPDATE!!!

          A few months ago, Michael Houlahan (my TRiO advisor) and I had a long talk about what Universities I should be applying to, for the fall of 2012. His advice was to pick 5 schools, 4 of which are my “Safe Schools” or colleges I felt sure I would be accepted into. Then, have 1 “Dream School”, meaning a college that may be a little competitive to get into. The expression “Dream School” really stuck with me. My Dream school is Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York. It has a wonderful Communications program at the New House School of Public Communications. I do have to admit I’m extremely nervous about applying, because I cannot handle rejection at all.  

When I was about 13 years old I had a crush on a boy who lived right around the corner from me. All the girls liked him, but I knew he would be mine. Lol … I had to figure out a way to be noticed. So I tried to do what any clueless 13 yr. old girl would do. I followed him everywhere he went, spoke to his mother when I got the opportunity, laughed at all of his jokes, climbed trees, ate the same candy, I would even go home and change clothes to match what he was wearing. Yes I had it Bad! My older sister told my mother about all of the foolish things I was doing, and of course I got in trouble.
       My mother yelled at me saying, “Yashin, you never, ever Pursue a boy or a man, it is not lady like!” “Pursue? What does that mean?” I asked. Her reply was to look it up in the dictionary. And it was through that experience I learned what it meant to Pursue. Years later it is time to put all of that into effect. I must Pursue my dream school no matter what it takes. I refuse to live in regret wondering what if. In comparison with all of the foolish antics I pulled to get my secret crush to notice me, I have to take the necessary steps toward being accepted into my “Dream School”. So far I’ve called the admissions office and spoken with some of the representatives. I went to the NACAC College Fair (National College Fair) to briefly speak to a representative from Syracuse. Now, I have an interview with them coming soon! I will be putting together a portfolio which entails a cover letter, resume, and transcripts; along with all of the work I’ve been doing which pertains to communications. I have to be noticed!!! What are you doing to Pursue your “Dream School?”

I can’t wait to let all of you know how it goes!

GO and GET IT,

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Introducing...Oakton TRiO's Blogging Transfer Student - Yashin Phillips!

TRiO/Oakton Students!!! Check this out...
My name is Yashin Phillips. I’m enrolled here at Oakton Community College with efforts of achieving my Associate in Arts Liberal Arts Degree. I’m so excited to share my college experience with all of you here! I’m also Oakton’s Campus Correspondent for Student Health 101. This is an internship which requires for me to interview students all over campus. I receive insight on how they maintain a healthy mind and body. The interviews are published on the Student Health 101 Online Magazine every month, so please check them out.
My ultimate goal is to achieve a Bachelors Degree in Mass Media, to pursue my dream of having my Own Talk Show. I can see it now: “And the Emmy Goes to” (Drum Roll) YASHIN PHILLIPS! Now that Oprah ended her show, I may stand a chance! One of the most important lessons my father ever taught me was to be Observant. He said watch, and listen to other people. Observe their struggles, accomplishments, mishaps, and respect them, because in return it will help you become the person you want to be.     
I chose to attend Oakton Community College for several reasons. My primary reason is because I wanted to enroll at a four year institution as a transfer student. Yeah I said it! A transfer student! Contrary to what some think, there are many benefits with attending a Community College. For instance tuition is more affordable, classes correlate with just about anyone’s schedule, teachers are great, and most importantly you can interact with students who are in the same boat as you. Juggling a fulltime job and pursuing my degree can be overwhelming at times, but the only thing that has kept me on track is the TRiO Program. The TRiO Program has implemented values and skills in me to achieve my goals.
Over the duration of the Fall and Spring semesters, I will be taking the necessary steps to make my transfer process a success. I will be researching universities, filling out applications, and going on interviews. In this blog I hope you will be Observant, learn from my struggles, accomplishments, and mishaps to help you become the person/student you want to be. I will be giving you updates about TRiO programs and events, and my experiences with how the transfer process is going. Please don’t hesitate to give me suggestions on topics you would like to cover. We can all learn from each other, so please let me know what you’re up to as well!
Talk to you soon!